WoW Alchemy Guide 1 - 525

1/12/2012 03:22:00 PM |

This WoW Alchemy guide will show you the fastest way how to level your Alchemy skill up from 1 to 525 as inexpensively as possible. The guide is updated for WoW patch 4.3
Obviously, Alchemy is the best combined with Herbalism, with these two professions you can save a lot of gold and you can sell the potions/elixirs at the Auction House. Check out my Herbalism leveling guide if you want to level Herbalism. Make sure you have enough gold to buy herbs if you don't have Herbalism, because you will need a lot of them.
Often the materials are based on a case that you will gain one skill point each craft. This won't happen, so you will have to buy a few extra materials while you are leveling your Alchemy.
If you are low on gold, I recommend you to try this Gold Making Guide, it can help you to make loads of gold.
If you are still leveling your character or you just started a new alt, I recommend you to use a leveling guide. You can level your character to Level 85 in 5 days with this Guide.

Alchemy guide sections:

Approximate Materials Required for 1-525:
  • 59 x Peacebloom
  • 59 x Silverleaf
  • 93 x Briarthorn
  • 33 x Bruiseweed
  • 20 x Mageroyal
  • 45 x Stranglekelp
  • 20 x Liferoot
  • 30 x Kingsblood
  • 35 x Goldthorn
  • 10 x Wild Steelbloom
  • 25 x Sungrass
  • 45 x Khadgar's Whisker
  • 15 x Blindweed
  • 40 x Gromsblood
  • 30 x Sorrowmoss
  • 15 x Dreamfoil
  • 45 x Golden Sansam
  • 18 x Mountain Silversage
  • 50 x Felweed
  • 10 x Terocone
  • 35 x Dreaming Glory
  • 10 x Netherbloom
  • 20 x Talandra's Rose
  • 5 x Pygmy Suckerfish
  • 75 x Goldclover
  • 30 x Tiger Lily
  • 25 x Adder's Tongue
  • 20 x Icethorn
  • 40 x Lichbloom
  • 69 x Cinderbloom
  • 18 x Stormvine
  • 39 x Azshara's Veil
  • 34 x Heartblossom
  • 5 x Volatile Life
  • 32 x Twilight Jasmine
  • 23 x Whiptail
  • 3 x Hessonite
  • 15 x Alicite
  • 15 x Zephyrite or 15 Nightstone
  • Materials for your epic Alchemy trinket are not included in this list.

WoW Alchemy Leveling Guide 1 - 525

First, visit any trainer in the main cities of old Azeroth - just ask a guard, and learn Apprentice Alchemy.
You can find Vials at "Alchemy Supplies" vendors, they are usually near the Alchemy trainer.
If you have a Goblin character, use my Goblin Alchemy leveling guide instead of this.
  • 1-60
    59 x [Minor Healing Potions] - 59 Peacebloom, 59 Silverleaf You'll need these in the next step of the Alchemy guide.

60 - 140

Learn Alchemy Journeyman.

140 - 205

Learn Alchemy Expert.

205 - 285

Learn Alchemy Artisan.
  • 205-215
    10 x [Elixir of Greater Defense] - 10 Wild Steelbloom, 10 Goldthorn Read the end of the previous section if you don't have Goldthorn.
  • 215-239
    25 x [Superior Healing Potion] - 25 Sungrass, 25 Khadgar's Whisker
  • You can make this one up to 250, if you have easier time finding Sungrass than Blindweed.
  • 239-240
    If you are at or above level 75 and you will level Alchemy past 500, you can skip this part. Your epic Alchemy trinket will be used for transmutes. 1 x [Philosopher's Stone] - 4 Iron Bar, 1 Black Vitriol, 4 Purple Lotus, 4 Firebloom
    Recipe Location
    You will need this for transmutes, keep it.

285 - 350

Visit your trainer and learn Alchemy Master.
  • 335-340
    5 x [Super Healing Potion] - 10 Netherbloom, 5 Felweed Make the previous recipe 5 more times if you don't have Netherbloom.

350 - 425

Visit your trainer and learn Alchemy Grand Master.
  • 375-380
    5 x [Pygmy Oil] - 5 Pygmy Suckerfish You can make this one up to 385 and skip the next part of the guide.
  • 385-395
    10 x [Elixir of Mighty Strength] - 20 Tiger Lily This recipe will be yellow for the last 5 points, you might need to make more than 10.
  • 415-425 This recipe turns green at 422, so you might need to make more than 20.
    20 x [Runic Mana Potion] - 20 Goldlcover, 40 Lichbloom

425 - 525

Visit your trainer and learn Alchemy Illustrious.

Once you reach an Alchemy skill of 475, you may begin a quest to learn one of three specializations: Potions, Elixirs or Transmutations. Being specialized gives you a chance to create an extra 1 to 4 (for a total 5) items while crafting in the field you have selected. For example, a Master of Potions may be able to craft more than one [Super Mana Potion] for the same material cost as one.

  • 495-504
    It is really important that you stop at 504, you will gain 10 skill points this way when you craft the next two recipe. 9 x [Elixir of the Master] - 9 Heartblossom, 9 Twilight Jasmine
  • 504-509
    1 x [Flask of Enhancement] - 8 Twilight Jasmine, 8 Stormvine, 8 Azshara's Veil, 8 Whiptail, 8 Cinderbloom
I hope you liked this WoW Alchemy leveling guide, GZ to 525!

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